X-Men Film Series Wiki

John F. Kennedy Jr. was a mutant borne to the Kennedy Curse. His mutation was a closely guarded family secret, only discovered via the investigation the Tandem Initiative put into Ted Kennedy.


The mutation of JFK Jr. became evident shortly by the end of the 1960s. His facial scarring getting severe, with the bone marrow of his uncle, Atavact-D was developed for JFK Jr. to treat his skin. Although it worked, JFK Jr. did experience some initial side effects. He managed to successfully hide his mutation for the rest of his life, although he did die young.


JFK Jr. possessed transformative abilities. However, these did not manifest properly and gave him the visage of facial scarring. Eventually, with the help of Atavact-D, JFK Jr. was able to control these, although he did have some initial side effects. JFK Jr. kept his mutation a secret until his death.
